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I finished my blender! There was a lot of leaking when I tested it, so I had to duct tape the bottom because it got wet (they're...

Last minute setbacks

Today there's some good and bad setbacks. I got a bottle on - not the one I was planning. I forgot it, so I just decided to use it then....


Now I just need the top part of the blender. I'm going to use a soda bottle for it. I'll cut off the top and bottom of the bottle, and...


This is gonna be really short - I didn't do much. I tried to solder the wire onto the motor, but the solder wire just dried as soon as I...

Base is FINISHED!!

I finished the base of the blender! I duct taped the motor to the top, but the problem is that I'll have to redo it because I messed up...


Good news! I decided to make a mini blender. Now that I think about it, it's actually simpler than I thought (although I'm not making it...

Halloween STUFF

I am making different scenes for the season. Right now I am making a scene with pumpkins and a tree (you know, Halloween). I'm going to...


So in case you don't know, I LOVE hiking. And that's what inspired me to make a sunrise of mountains. Underneath it is the word love...

Wire Art

I found something really fun to do. It's wire art. I made a boat and a fishing rod out of wire (though it's not that good) and am going...


I finished my first one! It was pretty straight-forward and easy, and I'm making more while trying to find something else to do. I don't...

Inspiration Found!!

I found inspiration! I was looking through a book when I read about scenes in small cardboard tubes. So, I've decided to make one. If...


I finally finished my project! I tested it, and it worked! You have to wipe it after it was in the water mixture. Otherwise, it was fine....

Aluminum Pans Came!

Great news! We got the aluminum pans! Only setback is that I forgot the baking soda (again) :(. I REALLY have to stop forgetting things....


Today, I didn't experiment, because I didn't bring the baking soda. But we got the pans, though, so tomorrow I can experiment as long as...

Finished base!!!

Excellent news! I've finished the base of my design. Now, I have to get the aluminum pan to finish. The only problem is that I think the...

Back on Track!

Good news! I finished the bird house side project, and made the funnel cut-out. Now, I just have to roll up the funnel and glue it, then...

Side Project

Bad news. I forgot to bring a big plastic part, so I can't make the funnel. We didn't get the pan, either. So, for a side project, I...

Base Almost Finished!!

Great news! I finished my base of my project, which was to melt another side and glue the foam "feet" on. Next, I'm planning to make...


Today I suffered a setback. It's not major, but that meant that I couldn't do much. For one thing, I found out that the sides are...

Blog: Blog2
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